Sustian me according to Your word that I may live...Psalm 119:116

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stormy Weather

The other day my husband and I were sitting on the front porch. I have turned into this kind of weird 'bird lover' person over the last several summers... I don't know, they are just so cute and the little things remind of my Grandma - she used to have finches, and she always had sketches she had done of little birds. I guess I caught the bug from her.

So we are sitting on the porch and in the little crab tree right in front of the porch is a Momma Robin and her brood of babies. We had only just realized the eggs had hatched and the little guys were getting bigger by the day. It is so enjoyable to me to just watch these amazing creatures that God has placed in our everyday lives. Something as simple as a little common robin was about to teach me a new lesson about the King of the universe!

As we were watching, there was a storm brewing up from the west. It was getting windy and I asked Mike, "How do these little things hang on and stay in the nest when it storms like this?" He said he didn't know, they just hang on real tight!

Suddenly, it got VERY windy and the rain just cut loose! This little tree was just a swaying and blowing, back and forth like it might just come right out of the ground !! I thought those Momma and her baby birds were going to be gone!

By this time we had gone in the house, and were watching out our front window. The rain was coming down hard and fast, in sheets and sideways, and Mike says, " Would ya look at that!"

I look at the nest and there is this precious little Momma, with her wings spread out to cover her babies. She had her head up, taking the beating that the storm was dishing out, and just hanging on with all her might! That was one of those moments where time seems to stop, and the Lord speaks to my heart...

"He will shield you with His wings, He will shelter you with His feathers, His faithful promises are your protection and your armor." (Ps 91:4)

Oh. How amazing that the Lord God Almighty would use one the smallest of His creations to teach me one of life's biggest lessons!

In the midst of the storm, He will be my true protection - I can trust that He will be the One that will take the brunt of the storm for me, He will hide me safely away when life is hard and crashing in around me. Even when it seems my foundation is shaken and there is nothing to stand on, He will wrap me in His care, and will lead me to safety.

The greatest storm that Jesus ever suffered for me was the cross - as I watched that simple, plain little robin ride out this crazy storm with her babies tucked safely away, I was reminded of my precious Jesus in the cross. There is no storm greater than that, no hardship more difficult, nothing that ever could pass my way that would ever compare... Jesus willingly put me under His wings, took the harshness and hatred of the storm upon Himself, so that I could be free - to grow, to fly, to be with Him forever.

All praise be to the Lord of Heaven and Earth... Thank you God that you are so able to speak to the heart of a simple woman about the wonder of your great and amazing love.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! that is so cool, mom! how amazing...that is a perfect example of like in the bible where it says that God takes care of the sparrows and how much more He loves us, so won't He protect us even more or something along those lines. It also reminds me that if a small little robin will protect her babies through those horrible storms, i can feel even more confident in my parenting abilities. hey, if a robin can hang on through all that, SO CAN I!! :) love you!!!
